Can You Paint A Colorbond Roof?

Can You Paint A Colorbond Roof?

Colorbond roofs are hugely popular in Australia as they are durable, affordable, and also available in 22 different colours. This wide variety of colours hasn’t always been available. Homeowners who have older colorbond roofs may be looking to spruce up their roof due to either faded colour, wear and tear, or just personal preference. While it is possible to paint a colorbond roof, it is important that you consider your options and understand the differences between DIY and getting a professional to do the job.

What To Consider Before You Paint A Colorbond Roof

Colorbond roofs require particular products that have been manufactured specifically for colorbond roofing. You can’t just use any old paint for this, it really is a job for professionals.

If you were to paint your roof using standard paint, it will soon begin to crack, peel, and fade. If you’ve decided that you want to paint your colorbond roof to renew its colour, industrial roof coatings are the best choice. However, it is not recommended to do it yourself. The colorbond roof painting process is completely different from painting a tile or concrete roof. It can be likened to painting a car, as it requires particular preparation work followed by multiple coats with these specialised colorbond products.

With that in mind, there are other options aside from repainting that will extend the longevity of your colorbond roof and improve its visual appeal.

What Other Options Are Available To Prolong The Life Of Your Colorbond Roof?

Instead of hiring someone to just repaint your colorbond roof, you should consider the benefits that a roof restoration can offer. A roof restoration will increase the life of your colorbond roof, reinstating not only the integrity of the roof but also your insurance should anything happen. A claim on a roof that has been inspected, maintained, and restored is much more likely to be approved by insurance companies than a roof that has simply been repainted.

A restoration is a better alternative to painting if your colorbond roof is:

  • Faded
  • Flaking or bubbling
  • Stained
  • Damaged
  • Ageing (or is older than 20 years)

When it comes to such a vital part of your home, it’s important to consider value and longevity. If you paint a Colorbond roof, it can offer a fresh visual appearance and some increased protection from the elements. However, a roof restoration affords you not only modernised aesthetics but also structural integrity, longer lasting durability, and peace of mind.

If you’d like to know more about our Colorbond roof restoration process, talk to our roof specialists by contacting us here or calling us on 0431 962 819.

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