
What To Do When Your Roof Starts Leaking

Discovering a leak in your roof can be a stressful situation, especially if water is leaking into your house. A leaking roof can lead to water damage, structural issues, and potential mould growth if left unattended. It’s important to address a leaking roof as soon as possible. Below, we will discuss how to identify roof leaks, what to do when you see it leaking, how to repair your leaking roof and how to prevent it.

Identifying a Roof Leak

Identifying a roof leak isn’t always an easy task, not all roof leaks run through the ceiling and may just be leaking into the attic/roof interior. These leaks can still damage your house, and will leave some telltale signs. If you think you may have a roof leak, you can check out the steps below:

1. Check for Water Stains

Water stains on your ceiling or walls are often the first signs of a roof leak. Look for discoloured patches or yellowish spots, especially near the top corners of walls or along the ceiling. Water stains may appear damp or have a ring-like pattern, indicating a continuous leak.

2. Inspect Attic or Crawl Space

If you have access to your attic or crawl space, examine these areas for signs of a roof leak. Look for water stains, damp insulation, or rotting wood. Pay attention to areas directly below the roof, as leaks often manifest closer to the source.

3. Check Roof Penetrations

Roof penetrations such as vents, chimneys, skylights, and pipes are common areas for leaks. Inspect these elements for any signs of damage, moisture, cracked seals, or loose flashing. Ensure they are properly sealed and free from debris.

4. Look for Mould or Mildew Growth

Mould or mildew growth on your interior walls, ceilings, or attic can indicate a roof leak. Check for any musty odours or the presence of fuzzy or discoloured patches. Mould and mildew thrive in moist environments, so identifying their presence can help pinpoint the location of the leak.

5. Pay Attention to Water Dripping

If you notice water dripping from your ceiling or walls during or after rainfall, it’s a clear indication of a roof leak. Follow the path of the water to determine its source. Keep in mind that water can travel along rafters or other internal components before becoming visible.

6. Book A Roof Inspection

If you’re not sure whether you have a roof leak or are concerned you do, call a professional roofing contractor for a roof inspection. They will check all of the above areas, as well as inspect the outside of your roof for cracked tiles, holes and other issues that can cause or turn into leaks.

Once you’ve identified a roof leak, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Ignoring a leak can lead to further damage, including structural issues, mould growth, and compromised insulation. Catching a leak before it causes significant damage canThis can lead to more costly roof repairs, such as a roof restoration or even repairs to the home itself. or a  Contact a reputable roofing professional to address the problem promptly and prevent costly repairs down the line.

What To Do when your roof is leaking

In the event that your roof begins to rapidly leak (usually during a rainstorm/thunderstorm), there are a number of steps you can take to mitigate the problem and ensure your roof/home isn’t damaged further.

1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

Remain calm and assess the extent of the leak. Determine the location and size of the leak, as well as the severity. This information will be helpful for roofing contractors when investigating the problem and providing recommendations/repairs. If at any point you believe you are in danger, leave the building. Your life is more important than belongings or your home.

2. Protect Your Belongings

Move any furniture, electronics, or valuables away from the area affected by the leak to prevent further damage. Place buckets or containers to catch dripping water and use towels or a mop to soak up any standing water.

3. Locate the Source of the Leak

If it is safe to do so, investigate the source of the leak. Inspect your attic or roof crawl space if accessible and safe to do so. Look for signs of water entry, such as wet spots, damp insulation, or discoloration on the ceiling. Note any visible damage such as leaking seals, cracked flashing or mould.

4. Temporarily Mitigate the Leak

If you can identify the source of the leak and feel comfortable doing so, you can attempt a temporary fix to stop or minimise the leak. Use tarps, duct tape or other suitable items to cover the affected area. Remember that this is a temporary solution and professional assistance is necessary for a permanent fix.

5. Document the Damage

Take photos or videos of the leak and any visible damage to your property. These records will be valuable for insurance claims and help professionals understand the severity of the issue. Also, document any temporary repairs you made to prevent further damage.

6. Notify Your Insurance Provider

Contact your insurance provider to report the roof leak and inquire about coverage for repairs. They will guide you through the claims process and advise you what to do next. If you don’t have home insurance, we highly recommend it.

7. Contact a Professional Roofing Contractor

Reach out to a reputable roofing contractor as soon as possible. Look for experienced professionals who specialise in roof repairs and have a solid reputation in your area. A roofing expert will assess the situation, identify the underlying cause of the leak, and provide a quote and other recommendations.

How to repair a roof leak

When dealing with a roof leak, it’s crucial that your roof is repaired properly to ensure a lasting fix and keep your home safe. While minor leaks may tempt you to attempt a DIY fix, it’s important to understand that hiring a professional roofing contractor is the best course of action. Roofing professionals possess the necessary experience, specialised skills and knowledge to identify and fix roof leaks. 

In addition to fixing a leak, roofing professionals will assess any water damage and provide appropriate recommendations for repairs. Roofing contractors often work with insurance companies, providing detailed reports and documentation that can help streamline the claims process. Their expertise ensures that the repair work meets industry standards and regulations, giving you peace of mind that your roof is being properly repaired. 

To learn more about why you should hire a roofing professional, check out or blog titled Benefits of Hiring A Roofing Professional.

How to prevent roof leaks

The best way to prevent roof leaks is with regular roof inspections. A roof inspection from an experienced and professional roofing contractor will identify any issues that may lead to roof leaks in the future, or catch small leaks before they cause damage to your home. As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended that your roof is inspected every 12 months – especially leading into storm season. A roofing contractor may recommend some items to protect your roof, such as a roof cleaning or adding a roof coating to your home.

Hire A Brisbane Roofer For A Roof Leak Or Prevention

For reliable and professional roof leak repair services or a roof inspection in Brisbane, contact Right Roofing Restorations. Our experienced team is equipped to handle a wide range of issues to keep your home leak free. If you have any questions or would like to book in a time for us to look at your roof, give us a call today on 0431 962 819.

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